Saturday, November 10, 2007

What is in a name change?

The IT Service Management Diploma has been replaced by the "ITIL Expert" as part of the lauch of the new v3 qualification scheme.

The paper outlining the program (authored by Sharon Taylor) included a warning to indicate that the name ITIL Expert could in fact change if something better came along.

I don't think I can recall such turmoil surrounding an education program and it raises obvious questions; the biggest one being why?. Well if we ignore the name change and look at the other major factor regarding ITIL qualifications; that of the exams.

All exams are going to be multiple choice. Is this a blatant money grab or an attempt to truly create a path for those with a genuine interest in furthering education standards?

It seems hard to be able to say that a multiple choice exam replacing the traditional essay style approach that was created by Exin and ISEB allows true expression of professionalism. However, the saving grace is that in order to take the advanced exams there is a requirement to be able to demonstrate attending an accredited course.

Perhaps the biggest news is that it is not a requirement to attend a traditional classroom course, but that self study is very much allowed.

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